Saturday, July 2, 2011

In country!

Dear all,

The project directors made it to Honduras safe and sound on Wednesday. Our first thought upon leaving the airport was that we had walked into a physical wall of unbearable heat. Our second thought was how nice it would be to head out of the Sula plain and into the cooler mountains around Jesus de Otoro.

After battling an army of ants that had apparently taken up residence in the back of our truck and braving the Frogger-like highway traffic, we arrived at our newly rented bi-level house in Jesus de Otoro. This will be PADO central.

Two days and lots of meetings, sweaty hauling of stored supplies, and butchered Spanish conversations later, we are ready for the students to arrive and work to begin! After a positive meeting with the town´s new Mayor, he´s decided to accompany us out to the site on Monday to get a glimpse of what the crazy Gringos will be doing. Perhaps this year we´ll be able to convince everyone that we really are digging up old rocks and pottery and not prospecting for gold.

The weather, as expected, is hot and humid. It has been raining a lot, but so far the power and water have not gone out, nor have we been dragged down as fresh kill for a mob of angry mosquitoes. Hard to complain.

We don´t have the internet set up in the project house yet, but hopefully will by the end of the day. We´ll try to update the blog again once we´ve collected the students from the airport on Sunday.

Until then...besos y abrazos!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandra!

    Thinking of you and your students on your adventure!

    Give me a call/email when you get back to meet up for coffee - perhaps you'd prefer iced coffee!

    I'll send my contact info to you email.

    Happy Digging!
    Jen Platz
