Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mud, Mud and More Mud

One of the challenges of working in Honduras during the rainy season is ... well ... the rain. Usually in the late afternoon or evening, the sky opens up and dumps rain on the valley. It can cause difficulties if you're trying to excavate. Team PADO knows this from experience. Last night's rain made excavation rather challenging for the students today.

At the test pit to the west of Structure 5, Ben, Ivey and Eric bailed water and screened soupy mud.

Mud was not the problem at Structure 9, however. For Tomoe, Merredith and Denton, it was the clay in the soil they had to deal with. Not only is it hard to excavate but it's also almost impossible to screen.

At Structure 1, things were a little drier for Inga, Thomas and Emily, as they continued work in their new excavation unit.

On a final note, everyone is looking forward to our trip to Gracias and Copan. We leave tomorrow after lunch and will travel to Gracias where we will spend the night. On Friday, we'll head to Copan where we'll stay until Sunday morning.

Stay tuned ...

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