About 10 minutes into our drive out of town for a day trip to Comayagua, the Black Truck simply died. One minute we were passing a bus, zooming by in all our gringolicious glory, the next we were watching the bus pull away in a cloud of black vapor. After waiting by the side of the road in the sun for an hour, the mechanic from Jesus de Otoro pulled up, poked around in Black Truck's innards, and pronounced her untimely fate: the engine is broken; the motor is dead.
So, no Comayagua today, and probably no Black Truck for the rest of the season. As much as we love her, she's just become too unreliable. Never before have we been so grateful for our second vehicle, Sporty. Stinky, uncomfortable, and emitting the sounds of a slowly dying animal, Sporty now stands alone as our trusty steed. The Black Truck is dead, long live Sporty.
Tomorrow Bill will head into San Pedro Sula to rent a second vehicle. All will be well. But, Black Truck, we mourn you. You have served us, and many other projects, well. God speed to a quick recovery.
Thus presented with a whole day free of obligation, PADO project members have turned to varied pursuits. Reading is popular, as is the exciting game of Spoons. Donuts and coffee, also, are popular (when aren't they, really?).
Did I mention that it's raining again? Oh, and the power just went out.
Really, Honduras? Haven't you thrown enough our way today?
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